How great it is to know that I don’t know.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

What prevents us from saying Yes to things that come our way?

  • The fear of failure.
  • To add extra stress to our life (who needs it anyway?!).
  • The fact that we are undervaluing ourselves and our capabilities.
  • The fear to lose what we think belongs to us.

I can sum up all the above by saying that we are trying to protect ourselves from getting hurt. What if we knew for sure that nothing will be happening to us, but only good miracles. How the world would have been looked like then. In fact, the world is like that, but it is just the way we have been programmed to think, that one needs to protect oneself from being hurt.

What we lose by being not open to new things.

  • New opportunities that could have come our way.
  • We stay in a narrow road map
  • The energy around us doesn’t have good circulation.
  • We cannot even see what we miss.

Staying open is not an easy task. One needs to decide for himself to stay open and say yes to things that come on his way. You might find yourself dealing with things you haven’t dealt with before and it might put you in stress, but in fact, the universe is giving us only things we are capable of, and what we have left to do is using that. Who knows where it will lead us to, if you have gotten an opportunity, it is not by accident.

Maybe we don’t need to say No

A simple example of us saying more often no is with our kids. When a child is asking us something, especially if we are in the middle of another action, it is very hard to listen to his/her request, the immediate response is, ‘No’. It doesn’t have to be this way and we can decide ahead of time to be open and try to say Yes for things that come our way. For doing that we need to take a deep breath before answering our kids and think for a single moment. We will see that there is nothing wrong with saying Yes. Even in the case of safety-related, we can sometimes explain the danger by saying yes first and at the same time explaining the danger which is involved by taking this or that action. It is all a matter of passing the right attitude that matters after all.

I often find myself saying No, just because I don’t feel like doing something, or because I am too lazy, or don’t give the request the best priority, etc. In time I have discovered that saying Yes, will actually give me the opportunity to make an inner effort in myself, and gain by only that. I often find myself after saying yes, that I was actually wrong, and that my child’s request is a wonderful thing to do.

Another reason for saying yes as opposed to saying no is that saying no will not necessarily prevent things from happening. It is always better that we are not the denying force for our children. This shows our kids that some things are just not in our hands, and the kid can gain more trust in our willingness to promote his wishes. 

Being in a state of the unknown.

Another example is when we are being introduced to something new, which we haven’t heard before. It is more often happens when we are younger, and less skilled, that the first reaction is an internal objection. A reaction that will be interpreted by a negative opinion. We feel that we need to protect ourselves against something, maybe against the place of the unknown within us, which can be so fragile. Who said we are supposed to know everything in this world?!, why we feel ashamed for not knowing?! It is our vanity that thinks we should know everything.

However, if we accept, and more than that, understand that being in the state of the unknown, constantly leaves us open to learning new things about the world and about ourselves.

Remember that the universe is round and that we are constantly moving in a circle, so whatever we do, the same energy will circulate on the globe and will come back to us, eventually.

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