Homemade vegan avocado ice cream

A long time ago, I became familiar with eating avocado as a dessert thanks to my Brazilian friends. They would blend it with honey, and voilà! They’d serve it in a bowl as a dessert.

This ice cream is very simple for homemade ice cream enthusiasts to make.

You only need three ingredients, and you can be as creative as you like with different types of sweeteners and milk. You can even add chocolate chips if you desire.

The ingredients are:

  • 4 small avocados
  • Chopped Medjool dates. If you don’t have dates you can add honey (for non-vegans) or maple syrup. 
  • 3/4 cup of vegan milk. I used rice milk, but the amount of milk may vary depending on the type you use.

Blend everything until you achieve a paste-like consistency, then transfer it to an ice cream maker to freeze. And that’s it! You now have avocado ice cream!


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