I have been wanting to write an article about relationships or an article about tutoring kids during these corona days, but it is all led me to the same word, Trust.
Trust is such a big word and with so much power.
When full trust exists, it’s like raising the bar from zero to a hundred. If you have trust, you have everything you need. Many countries could live in peace if they only had trust in one another.
Trust and fear don’t go hand in hand.
When we are trusting, our heart is open. Our mind is not busy with the past (who is this person anyway), or with the future (what will happen to me), but solely being in the present, and enjoying the moment. To live with trust is to live your life the way you wished for, and to believe that someone else wants your happiness as much as you do, for yourself. Trust puts one in total freedom.
When we trust, we are not occupied by thoughts, and therefore we can be the observer.
As parents we need to gain our kids’ trust in us since early age, so we can become the example for them to follow. As a spouse, you need to trust your partner, that he/she does everything he/she is able to do, to love you. Most of all we need a trust in ourselves.
Trust is needed everywhere, even when we do shopping
The main reason people buy from Amazon is because they gained the trust that if they don’t like the product, they are able to return it at no cost. People buy designer clothes because they have trust in the designer’s patterns, and their time will be well spent when shopping for clothes. People follow my blog (www.harmonizedfield.com) because they trust my words and my thoughts. We can find ourselves sometimes buying things that we don’t need, but we, in fact, bought them just because we have trust in that brand name or in the designer. A good example of that is Apple.
Small exercise..
As an exercise for trusting ourselves, you can make a list of things you wish to do in a day, a list of 2 to 3 items. Don’t put too much on yourself. Make any effort possible to complete this list on that day. Gain trust in yourself that you are capable of doing what you want.
Another exercise would be to decide to do something that day—big or small, it doesn’t matter—and promise yourself to love the outcome, whatever it may be.
Do you trust God? Do you trust that everything which is here was set up for your evolution?
I believe that everything here is designed especially for our evolution. Nothing should have been different than what it is.
Even if you don’t believe in that, it can be a helpful attitude…
Now, all which is left for us to do is to follow our path with our heart.
The question still left for us is,
Do you trust yourself to love yourself always and everywhere? or in other words: do you trust yourself to find the true saint within you?